FREE Digital Prayer Journal + 5 Days of Prayer Journaling Tips for Getting Get Closer to God
(even if you have a crazy schedule!)

FREE digital prayer journal

Five days of prayer journaling tips delivered to your inbox

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    Why is it that some Christians can find time for meaningful prayer every day, while you feel like you can barely whisper a sentence or two as you race through your day?

    Why do some Christians have powerful testimonies of answered prayers, stories of how they feel close to God, and insight into tough questions, while you feel like your prayers barely make it through the ceiling?

    SPOILER ALERT: It’s not because they somehow have more time or are more spiritually blessed than you!

    It’s because their approach is different!

    Here’s the good news: You can rewire your approach and have a meaningful prayer life too!

    In fact, I created the 5 Day Prayer Journaling Jumpstart and Digital Prayer Journal to show you that it can be super easy -- and it’s yours completely free!

    Hit that yellow button and get started today! ☝

    By the time the five days are up, you’ll have figured out the prayer journaling time that works best each day for you, and you’ll have discovered simple ways to stay motivated so you don’t skip a day.

    Plus, you’ll have become closer to your Father with 3 meaningful prayer prompts!

    To get your FREE access, click the yellow button! ☝